Resource Center

Why Massachusetts

Massachusetts offers one of the most dynamic urban economies in the world, as well as a full spectrum of favorable price points for companies from the Berkshires to the Merrimack Valley to the South Coast and Cape Cod. Massachusetts is ranked the most innovative state in the country and 96% of Massachusetts companies choose Massachusetts for the quality of its workforce.

Location Services

MassEcon is the site location service provider for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Let us help you make the Massachusetts location decision.

  • We listen to your location needs.
  • Provide data services that identify locations, real estate, labor characteristics, and markets
  • Convey Deep understanding of the state’s regional assets
  • Engage a broad cross-section of public- and private sector expertise to help inform your decision.

Case Studies

MassEcon provides real estate market overviews, site tours, research, educational events, and other subsidiary tasks with the goal of increasing jobs within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. MassEcon solves problems that enhance a customer’s view of Massachusetts. Through interactions with Site Location Consultants, the regional and municipal economic development community, and companies directly, MassEcon makes the case for Massachusetts.

Economic Research

MassEcon develops a range of actionable research to support site location service activity, members, and partners.

ReadyMass 100

Each of the ReadyMass 100 properties has been rigorously evaluated by a team of real estate experts in concert with our state partners and is certified for immediate occupancy or development.  The properties have met key criteria relating to infrastructure, permitting, size and readiness.